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Ahh Christmas. The holiday and season we prepare for starting in October. By the time it is actually Christmas most people are burnt out and ready for it to be over! When did we lose sight of what Christmas is actually about? A long time ago, that's when. The world has taken over all of our senses when it comes to Christmas and holidays. The world wants you to think that Christmas is stressful, and expensive and cheesy and overrated. They want you to spend all your money, eat too much, wear all the best clothes. But Jesus wants us to think Christmas is a celebration of His birth, of a Savior being born for the world, to remember the One who came to take away all our sins and sorrows and hurts and pains, and to show others all of that because maybe others don't know this Savior like you do. Christmas.. Look at the word. What word does it literally have in it? Christ, why? Because it is about Christ's birth. The literal meaning of the word when translating is Christ, mass. As in a mass (church service) about Christ. Yes, the catholic church took it and made it their own like all churches do, but the point is Christmas is about Christ. He was born many years ago (whether it was in December or not, we cant really be sure) in a manger to normal everyday people and of course a virgin, to be the king of all kings, to take away all our sin, to die 30 some years later, go to hell, go to heaven and come back to earth to tell all about it. One day He will come again to judge us. But we have this beautiful holiday to be thankful and gracious for someone to love us enough to come into this world in human form, go through all the trials and suffering that we go through and die so that we don't have to die forever if we accept Him. How marvelous is that? He came as a human and a lowly human, to save ALL. Not just the religious, not just the righteous, but the homeless, the poor, those suffering, EVERYONE. He loves us no matter what and all we have to do is love Him back and trust in His almighty name. I won't say that is very easy but it is the least we can do for someone who died for us so that we can live forever. Our bodies may not live forever but our spirit and our souls will live on in paradise with Him forever.

When you start to stress about the materialism that the world has made Christmas to be, just remember and rest in the fact that you have a Savior who loves you and wants you, if you will let Him save you.

If this has stirred any questions or comments please feel free to reach out to me on my FB page or website. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

As always may God and Bless you and keep you this Christmas and may you find the true meaning of Christmas in your heart this year.

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