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New Year, New You?

Its January! What kinds of goals did you make for this year? Did you decide not to make any goals at all because you know that you won't keep them for more than 2 weeks? I know how you feel. It is so hard to sit down and intentionally think about your life and what you want to do with it. There are so many options for us that it becomes so overwhelming. We think we need to lose weight, spend less, read our bible more. Those are great goals to have, but for some reason you are still not reaching them. It is super important first, to be ready, mentally. If you do not have it set in your mind that you are going to go for your goals this year, you will not do it. You have to be completely and 100% committed to what you want to do. Goals are also super scary. This year was the first year that I really sat down and wrote out (most) of all my goals for the year. I got this great goal planner from Christy Wright (shameless plug, go check her out), and she challenges you every week to plan out your steps to attack your goals for the year. Honestly, I didnt want to do it because I was so scared. I knew that if I wrote them down and set small, attainable, timely goals that I would ACTUALLY have to do it.... While that accountability can be great for achieving the goals, it makes it really hard to actually set the goals. This puts some people off and not set them at all! Listen, if you have something on your heart that you want to do, dont wait. I am the worst at this! I wait too long all the time and usually miss out. The good thing is God is for me. He knows what is on my heart and He also knows what is best for me. Honestly, no matter how much I screw up or miss out on things, if He really wants me there, He will get me there! This is not to say that you just sit back and wait for God to do His thang. You have to do all the things you can think of to make your goals, (or what you think your goals are) happen. Dont hold back, dream big kid!

Here are a few tips for setting goals and hopefully keeping them!

1. Set SMART goals. Specific: these goals should be SUPER specific! Not, I want to lose weight, but, I want to lose 10lbs. Measurable: the goals need to be able to measured. For example, I want to lose 10lbs is easily measured on a scale. Attainable: losing 10lbs is super attainable especially in a given time that is attainable. Timely: this is where you set the time frame. I will lose 10lbs in 3 months by putting fruits and vegetables on half of my plate at every meal, reducing my soda intake by 50% and working out for 30 minutes 4x a week. This is a great example of a SMART goal!

2. Break up that SMART goal even more to make it seem even more attainable. For example, 10 lbs in 3 months is a little less than 1 lb a month. When you think of it that way it seems so easy! So, each week, plan out how your will eat more fruits and vegetables, reducing the soda and the workouts that will help you reach that goal. Set smaller goals each week that work towards the big goal!

3. WRITE IT DOWN! Christy tells us in the planner that if its not written down then it wont happen. This is so true! Write it down wherever you look at things the most: bathroom, mirror, kitchen, car etc.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember, you got this, dont be afraid, just do it!

God Bless,


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