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Jesus.. today's theology... my thoughts.

I think it's really important to note a few things. I'm usually a pretty quiet person; I don't like to start up confrontation. Despite this, I have some passionate thoughts and truths I've learned and I do truly want people to know. So... Here we go. In today's day and age, we are all about the "do what feels right to you." That mindset is killing us. It's allowing us to follow whatever path we want to despite the fact that it's going to end in our ultimate demise. I'm not saying if you follow a specific way you will avoid the physical death that we are promised. No. We will all die a physical death, but what about our spirit? Our spirit will live somewhere, and continuing along your own path will lead to ultimate separation from God forever. Does that sound morbid? Yeah it can. In all honesty, I struggle with that part and hate it, but the Lord gives us many, many chances to turn back towards him. Yes, God loves us despite everything and will forgive us if we turn around, ask Him for forgiveness and admit our shortcomings, failures, and sins. But then we need to allow ourselves to be fully transformed by Him. If we don't recognize our sinful nature, then we will never be wiped fully clean because we won't ask for it. In our minds we don't need it. And that's the lie we believe don't we? I did!

The great thing is, God gave us a way out. It's free and it's simple. Recognize our need for a Savior, fall at His feet and repent. Get up, go and be made new. Tell the world. Live for God. Easier said than done right? It took a hard time in my life to realize what my hope was built on. Truly what my hope was built on and what I believed in. I allowed people and the world to tell me my worth, but in my darkest moments, God came in and showed me whose I am. He revealed my humanness, the part of me that is dirty, and showed me how much he loves me despite my dirtiness. So much so that he died so I can have the chance to turn away from myself and this world and be His. All of our sin is equally bad, in fact, the cost is death. Every unclean thought, action, look, word, every disregard, every time we stood by and did nothing (hello conviction for this girl). Thank God He covered that already. He calls us out of EVERY sin. If you truly believe God loves you and died for you and you need a Savior because without one you are damned, then you will be transformed. This transformation is ongoing. It never stops because we are never done. I've claimed to follow Jesus my whole life, but I until a little over a year ago, I was living in this cloud of illusion, thinking I was doing right. I believed in God, I loved people, I served, I had a givers heart, but I was living under this guise that I needed people to fulfill the ultimate craving that God can only fill. I was distracted. After this life event, it was like my eyes opened for the first time. I realized that God is who He says He is. He means everything He says, He will never leave me, His promises are true. He is everything we hope people will be for us but they never can. Only He can! Jesus is the only way, He is life, He is truth. The ONLY truth. I realized this whole life thing isn't for me to "live my best life" or "just be happy." It's to make Him famous and further the eternal purpose He has for His people now, on this earth. Eternity is for being happy and living carefree! Now you might be thinking, "I'm not allowed to be happy?" I'm not saying that. God gives us great, amazing things in life to enjoy, absolutely! I think of them as little pockets of what heaven looks and feels like. The feeling of being with people who really love you, that new love feeling when you start dating or just get married, the comfort of puppies, the time with your children, getting a promotion or a raise, performing well in sport; all great gifts from God. But it becomes an issue when we make those things God. When we place them with higher importance and think them the highest goal in life. We must think of all the things God blesses us with as tools to point the world back to Him. You might think I'm crazy and that it's ignorant to worship a God who allows bad things to happen. But our God is not a forceful God. He wants His children to come to Him because they truly want Him. Do you want your spouse to love you on their own accord or because they were forced? Haven't you seen all those movies about that and how in the end the forcing was not what they wanted? A forceful love is no love at all. God allows us to have the desires of our hearts when we defy Him constantly because He knows that's the only thing that will wake us up. So he allows natural consequence of sin (bad things) but don't be fooled, He is in ultimate control. Know this, you are not meant to know everything. It's not ignorant to believe in this, is the smartest thing you can do. But don't take my word for it. There is a living Word. The Bible. Sure it was written by some guys... But those guys were following Jesus. Those guys were following God. Yet again, God used us to carry out what He wanted. He didn't need to use man, but He wanted to include us because He loves us and that's what you do in a loving relationship. Reading the word is life! It's not just a bunch of words. It's not just a history book. It's all that and more. Come in with a hard heart and you might not see it. But I believe God uses His word here and now. See what it has to say, get commentary notes on it from a few sources to really get the meaning, get with people who read it and discuss. I'll be the first to admit how bad I am at serving God. The way I want to serve God is to be so reckless I just talk about Him to anyone. But I'm scared because I'm a weak human. I'm not good at talking to people, I don't like confrontation, I don't like to challenge people's opinions, but I want to love everyone enough to tell them about this life saving grace. God is perfect. Life is all about being with Him and anywhere without Him is hell. I never want anyone to experience life without Him. Let's be clear, it's not other people we should be fighting with. It's evil. The devil is real and we are in a spiritual battle. God wins but we still need to fight the battle while on earth with Him. The ultimate goal in life is not to get married and have a family or land a great job or be rich. It's about being one with God and bringing as many people with you as possible. That can be done through a variety of platforms: your job, your marriage, your family, your money. But when we started to focus on the things themselves more than what they're supposed to be used for then we've missed it..I've done it and do it constantly. But I keep lifting my eyes to the hills. I keep looking to my God and He comes to comfort me. To encourage me. He keeps changing me. My life is His because He gave His for me. Nothing else really matters as much as He does. Eternity is a long time and I pray everyday to have that kind of a view. We are distracted and that's what the devil wants. He wants us distracted and unguarded so it's easier to attack, to lure away. One day you find yourself where you never thought you would be and the only thing that you can think of is, God save me. And that's where He will save you. Even though you messed up, even though, through the choices you made, you got to this place. He will pick you up and require you to turn around and start living a life for Him. And you'll probably go back sometimes or think about it, but He'll keep getting you and if you allow others who love Him to help you, they'll bring you back faster. This life with God, it's not easy; nor is it safe. But I know, from His reputation, that anything with Him is better than without Him. My prayer is I remember and believe that when it really counts. Ask God to show you the truth. Ask Him the hard questions. Cry out to Him in your anger. But don't leave it there. Listen. Read. Get advice from people who love Him and know Him. See if you can't fall in love with Him. I challenge you.

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