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May Mental Health

May is mental health awareness month and this has been getting a lot of traction lately. The mental health reform movement began in the early 1900s when a man named Clifford Beers had been through the ringer so to speak and wrote an autobiography. He also started a society for Mental Hygiene which is now known as Mental Health America (and where I am getting all my information). In 1917, the surgeon general drafted a program adopted by the Army and Navy to get ready for the first World War. Even then, they knew how important the soldiers' mental health would be. In the 30s, Mental Health America had its first Congress in DC. In the 40s, the National Mental Health Act which the National Institute of Mental Health backed, was passed. As the years went on, groups like this one kept spreading awareness through documentaries, books, conferences to legislature and so much more. Mental health issues have been around forever but it is becoming more of a topic for discussion now it seems like. There are many misconceptions about it that go towards both extremes. Mental health is definitely part of well rounded wellness. If your mind isnt right, then everything else is going to be off as well. So let's address that first before we try and push out clients and patients physically. Mental wellness can range from what seems like a small thing to big things that require medication etc.. EVERYONE deals with mental wellness. We all have moments and seasons in life where we struggle. But guess what?! Struggling is good! It makes you stronger, it builds character. Even the bible talks about struggle and the benefits of it in 1 Peter 5:8-11. This doesn't mean you have to struggle alone though. Find your mental wellness team. Whether that be your family, friends, professionals, teachers, pastors etc. With them by your side you will most definitely come out of that season stronger and better. Dont be ashamed of your struggles, instead own it and dont give up. Persevere because you can. We are behind you, because you are ALWAYS worth it. 

Love you,


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