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I'll be Happy When.....

We have all said this at least once in our lives. I know I have said it way too many times, not out loud, but in my head. It doesn't matter where or how you say it but that you say it at all. As humans, we are always looking for the next best thing. Always looking for something that will fulfill us with purpose and meaning and contentedness. The bible has a lot to say about contentment:

1 Timothy 6:6-12 But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.

Philippians 4:12-13 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

We go around this world, trying to find what will fill this hole deep in our soul. We look to food, people, money, drugs, sex, alcohol, good times, pleasure, jobs, working out, not working out, TV, movies... the list goes on and on! Once we indulge in these things, we find out its not that great, it doesn't fill the void that we feel. But most don't know what to do, so they keep chasing it, they keep doing the thing that makes them feel empty, "if only I had...then I will feel whole." Friends, these are LIES! I'm telling you this from a place of understanding and experience. I have chased things that I think will make my life better, easier, make me happier, more fulfilled etc etc. I'll be the one to tell you it doesn't work! I still do this, even now as a Christ follower. In the fitness industry, I meet people all the time that want to get in shape, look better, feel better. They are coming from a place of desperation though. They come thinking that once they lose the weight and look like so and so, that they will be happy, that everything will fall into place, that all troubles will be gone! Certainly, being in shape and healthy helps a great deal in anything you want to do in life but it is not everything. It will not make you happy forever, it will not fulfill all your hopes and dreams. The world is a broken, fallen place. We make bad choices and those choices have consequences that we have to deal with. Christ is the ONLY one who can fill a void deep in your soul. He is the only one who can fill that deep ache you feel for something more. He made you for something more. He wants to you feel good about yourself, He wants you to get in shape, feel better, get healthy, get that promotion, find a great relationship and so much more! But here's the thing, becoming a Christ follower does not mean it gets easy, that you are fulfilled. It is a choice everyday to say, I am thankful for what is before me and what I have currently. You have to choose JOY! It doesn't come naturally because we are not home. Heaven, with God, is home. Once we are there, we will have everything that we need and be truly fulfilled! Until then, we must remember that we have a Father who LOVES us! He wants the best for us even if it looks like the worst right now. Sometimes we have to go through the worst to get the best. I would know. I had a bad relationship for 6 years on and off. It escalated and became almost the worst, but God pulled me out. Had it not blown up, I wouldn't have been free. He wants what's best for you in the LONG run. So you might have to wait, but be patient, be content in all the blessings you have now, and if you are still searching, rest in Jesus. He is just waiting for you to turn into His arms. Its that easy. Rest in His peace, love and mercy. His glory is coming, be ready.

Love you,


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